The first 300 kW charging devices of MVM Mobiliti are already in operation
Utolsó módosítás: 2024.07.15


MVM Mobiliti, which operates Hungary's largest e-charging network, was the first in Törökbálint to hand over its charging station, which was implemented with funds supported by the CINEA* organization of the European Union, within the framework of the MVM Ultra project. During the program, charging stations with a total output of 600 kW and equipped with charging heads of at least 150 kW will be installed on the core network of Hungary's TEN-T (Trans-European-Network - Transportation) road network - in the first phase at 10 locations - so that customers can still they enable faster and more convenient charging even at high-traffic locations.

Based on the contract signed by the CINEA organization of the European Union and MVM Mobiliti Kft., Mobiliti will install 600 kW charging stations equipped with four charging points, each with a capacity of at least 150 kW, within the framework of a project launched to build a network of publicly accessible charging stations for light electric vehicles. With the support of CEF2 (Connected European Facility). The infrastructure developments realized in this way contribute significantly to the spread of domestic environmentally friendly transport, thus helping to achieve the domestic and European Union climate and environmental protection goals.

Mobiliti, which has been cooperating with the Auchan department store chain for many years, will implement its investments after the location in Törökbálint in Miskolc, then in the parking lots of Auchan stores in Budakalász, Czömör, Dunakesz, Fót, Kecskemét, Maglód, Székesfehérvár and Szolnok. The two 300 kW Alpitronic Hypercharger devices per location have double 150 kW CCS2 charging heads, which enable fast charging of four cars at the same time and help fast and efficient charging at locations with high customer traffic.

Krisztián Deme, MVM Zrt.'s deputy general manager for customer relations, emphasized that creating a sustainable future and supporting electromobility are of the utmost importance for the MVM Group, and MVM Mobiliti, a member of the corporate group, actively participates in the promotion and distribution of electromobility. An important goal for MVM Mobiliti is to meet the expectations of the present and the future, in addition to the uniform and reliable services provided at the chargers, and to continuously improve the comprehensive service of the MVM Group's customers.

Environmental measures affect trade as much as the operation of shops or access to them. In order to popularize the use of electric cars, we started installing e-charging stations in store parking lots five years ago, in order to help the spread of more environmentally friendly driving in Hungary with this service. We are very happy about the current cooperation and we trust that in the future as many people as possible will choose this environmentally friendly solution", said Hajnalka Széll, Auchan's national marketing and customer relations director.

Mobiliti will provide charging service to its registered users at the Törökbálint chargers for one month after the handover, i.e. until August 15, 2024, at a gross introductory price of HUF 150/kWh.

The total cost of the project: HUF 1.217 billion, of which the amount of the grant is EUR 1.5 million. 36 months from the conclusion of the support contract are available for the implementation of the project, which ends in January 2025.


During the project, MVM Mobiliti will install chargers at the following ten Auchan stores:


8000 Székesfehérvár, Holland fasor 2., hrsz. 7897/1100

2120 Dunakeszi, Nádas u. 6, hrsz. 7151/3

2234 Maglód, Eszterházy János u. 1., hrsz. 4287/7

2011 Budakalász, Omszk park.1., hrsz. 1861/13

2151 Fót, Fehérkő u. 1., hrs. 5201/8

5000 Szolnok, Felső Szandai rét 1., hrsz. 19605/11

2045 Törökbálint, Torbágy u. 1., hrs. 3203/3

6000 Kecskemét, Dunaföldvári út 2., hrsz. 21969/1

3527 Miskolc, József Attila utca 87, hrsz. 12956/7

2141 Csömör, Határ út 6., hrsz. 2987/10


In addition to the support source for 10 locations won in 2022, Mobiliti will be able to establish electric charging stations with a capacity of 600 kW on some sections of the Hungarian TEN-T road network at a further 20 locations in the country, i.e. a total of 30 locations, from a new support amounting to EUR 3,000,000. in the framework of a project announced for its electrification.

The implementation of the projects also contributes to the fulfillment of our country's EU AFIR** obligations.



*CINEA: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

**AFIR: Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation


For the MVM Group, creating a sustainable future and supporting electromobility is extremely important. Mobiliti, which belongs to the MVM Group, operates the largest electric charging infrastructure in Hungary as a Charge-Point-Operator, and offers green electricity charging from renewable energy sources provided by MVM on its own chargers. Its ever-growing network of 1,700 public e-charging points provides customers with full national coverage. As an e-mobility service provider, it already had the largest number of registered customers in Hungary five years ago, and the number of its current users exceeds 100,000.

An important goal for MVM Mobiliti is to meet the expectations of the present and the future, in addition to the uniform and reliable services provided at the chargers, and to continuously improve the comprehensive service of the MVM Group's customers.